Health Medicine Center

submitted by: admin on 03/10/2025

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Health Medicine Center

Welcome to the Health Medicine Portal and its
applications in clinical practice, education and research.


What is the Health Medicine Center? How do we differ from the "standard" Healthcare or the Healthcare most Americans are used to?

Watch the video below and hear Dr. Len Saputo explain about the Health Medicine Center.



Health Medicine Center (Video)



The Health Medicine Center is a comprehensive integrative clinic directed by its founder, Len Saputo, MD, who is board certified in internal medicine.  We provide a personalized integrative care and are accustomed to helping people with health problems that have been considered unsolvable in both the mainstream and CAM. We have a particular expertise in complex health problems and are well known for managing pain without the use of pharmaceutical drugs.









At the Health Medicine Center our objective is to do what is right to make you feel better, and do it as comfortably and safely as possible. This is done in the context of each unique person's whole life story and how it is interwoven into the fabric of the entire universe.

HMC is a comprehensive integrative health and healing center that operates through collaboration. Medical director, Len Saputo, MD and HMC's eclectic staff guide the integration of the best strategies from mainstream, complementary, and alternative medicine for all HMC patients. The pillars of Health Medicine are built on working together, addressing the whole person — body, mind, emotion, and spirit — and meeting our patients where they are.

Health Medicine is designed to merge the miraculous high-tech approach of modern medicine with the wisdom of ancient low-tech healing systems through clinical practice, research, and education for patients, health care practitioners, and the public. Our practitioners specialize in guiding you through the progressive stages of healing, ranging from acute care to maintenance and preventive self-care. We partner with you to help you access your own innate resources for healing body, mind, emotion, and spirit.


The Health Medicine Center's Practitioners are comprised from a wide range of disciplines, dedicated to the collaborative exploration, practice, and advancement of the emerging discipline of Health Medicine. Health Medicine is designed to merge the miraculous technology of modern medicine with the wisdom of ancient healing systems through clinical practice, research and education for patients, physicians, practitioners and the public. Our practitioners guide you through progressive stages of healing, from acute care to maintenance and preventive self care.


Click on this Meet the Practitioners link to read more about each of the uniquely qualified practitioners at the Health Medicine Center!



What is Health Medicine?

Want to know more? Watch this video with Dr. Len Saputo. The history of Health Medicine is reviewed and its principles described. It is based on four principles: integrative practice, holism, person-centered care, and prevention. The concept of Healing Circles is reviewed.




Health Medicine Overview (Video)


Photonic Stimulation  

The Health Medicine Center offers Infrared Light Therapy.
  We are one of the few places in the Bay Area to offer this unique treatment. Infrared light therapy is a new and very powerful technology that relieves pain from most conditions including neuropathic pain. Click on this link, Infrared Light Therapy, to watch an informative video and a detailed article about the applications of photonic stimulation in clinical practice.



Interested in Breast Thermography? Breast Thermography is just one of the services offered at the Health Medicine Center.  Click this Breast Thermography link for more information.

Integral Healing Circle

Healing Circles are for those who have challenging health issues and are not getting better.  A team of practitioners convene at no cost to provide information, listen, care and support patients.

First-time client at HMC?
Download our registration forms in advance of your first visit to Health Medicine Center.


1620 Riviera Avenue
Walnut Creek, CA  94596
Tel: (925) 935-7500
Fax: (925) 935-7770

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